Are Bartenders at Fault?
A bartender in Texas was arrested for serving alcohol to man that later went on a shooting spree. Is the bartender at fault? David Savage...

Over Served - Alcohol Related Cases in the News
Tiger Woods and his restaurant in Jupiter, Florida have been in the news recently due to a wrongful death suit after an employee died in...

Bars Share Responsibility in Drunk Driving Collisions
"More than 1000 people die on South Carolina roads each year, and a third of those deaths are caused by drunk drivers." While 1,000...

South Carolina Personal Injury Laws & Statutory Rules
If you’re part of an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit in South Carolina, a number of state laws could come into play at some...

Damages and Time Limits in South Carolina Alcohol-Related Accident Lawsuits
Dram shop and social host liability cases are civil claims, which means that the liability of the defendant -- that's the business or...

Social Host Liability in South Carolina
Many states also hold social hosts liable if they provide alcohol to a guest who then injures someone else. In South Carolina, a social...

Expert Dram Shop Litigation Practice Guide
Visit the South Carolina Bar website to order your South Carolina Dram Shop Litigation: A Practice Guide. Principal Authors: David B....