Study Suggests Charleston Among Nation's Most Dangerous Drivers

A new study shows Charleston may be home to some of America’s most dangerous drivers. Everyone claims to know where the worst drivers hail from—Northerners point the finger at Bostonians. Southerners complain about Ohioans. Well, it turns out the joke might be on us, according to new research. With more people traveling by car this past holiday due to the pandemic, insurance shopping service Insurify conducted a study to identify areas with the country’s worst drivers and encourage greater caution. On the list of the country’s top 20 cities with the most dangerous drivers, Charleston managed to land at No. 5. Here’s how the Holy City stacked up against the national average, according to Insurify: Charleston driving statistics: · Drivers with at least one of three incidents: 32.50% · Drivers with a speeding ticket: 15.53% · Drivers with an at-fault accident: 16.71% · Drivers with a DUI violation: 1.03% National average driving statistics: · Drivers with at least one of three incidents: 23.22% · Drivers with a speeding ticket: 9.47% · Drivers with an at-fault accident: 11.24% · Drivers with a DUI violation: 1.69%
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